Section 1. Name. The name of this Association shall be the Illinois Career Development Association, a division of the National Career Development Association, and a division of the Illinois Counseling Association, hereafter referred to as ICDA or the Association.

Section 2. Affiliation. This Association is organized and governed in accordance with the Bylaws of the National Career Development Association (NCDA), a division of the American Counseling Association, and shall be subject to those provisions of NCDA and ICA which apply to their divisions.

Section 3. Purpose. As a division of the Illinois Counseling Association, the purpose of ICDA is to promote career development to all people over the lifespan in the state of Illinois.

Section 4. Vision. The vision of the Illinois Career Development Association is to encourage and maintain professional ethical standards and best practices in the career development field. We assist our members in helping individuals to anticipate, adapt, and navigate life and career transitions in an ever changing global economy.



Section 1. Types of Membership.

Membership in ICA is a prerequisite to joining ICDA.

  • Professional: Professional memberships are available to those who hold at least a Master’s degree in counseling. Professional members agree to follow the ACA Code of Ethics and professional standards of practice.
  • Student: Student memberships are available to both undergraduate and graduate students enrolled at least half-time or more at the college level. Student members must present proof of academic credentials upon request. Student members agree to follow the ACA Code of Ethics and professional standards of practice.
  • Retired Professional Counselor: must be at least 60 years of age, retired and have been an ICA member for at least 5 years.
  • First year Professional
  • Past ICA/ICDA Presidents
  • Affiliate: This membership is for individuals interested in counseling or the counseling field but not meeting the requirements for professional membership in ICA. Dues are the same as professional membership. Affiliate members receive member benefits such as the newsletter, journal, and member discounts , but can not hold any office in ICA and are not voting members.



Section 1. Officers and Terms of Office.

  1. The officers of the Association shall be the President, President-Elect, immediate Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, and tow directors. These seven persons will constitute the Board of Directors.
  2. The terms of office as follows:
    • The President shall be elected annually and shall hold office for one year or until his or her successor is chosen.
    • The President-elect shall succeed to the Presidency for a one-term year and then to Past Presidency for a one-year term.
    • The Treasurer shall be appointed by the President to serve for a term of one year.
    • The Secretary shall be elected to serve for one year.
    • Directors hold office for a term of two years. Two Directors shall be elected each year.
    • In the event of resignation, continued absence, illness, or death or any officer other than the President, the Board shall, by majority vote, elect a successor to serve. In the event that the President-elect is unable to assume the duties of President, the Board shall, by majority vote, choose a member of the Board to serve as President until the next annual election.
    • The term of office of each elected official of ICDA shall commence on July 1, and continue for the period specified or until her or his successor takes office.

Section 2. Nomination and Election of Officers and Directors.

  1. A nominations and Elections Committee shall be constituted to select a slate of candidates for President-elect, Secretary and the members of the Board of Directors.
  2. The Nominations and Elections Committee shall be chaired by the immediate Past President.
  3. The Nominations and Elections Committee shall nominate at least one person for each position.
  4. All officers hsall be members of ICDA, ICA, and NCDA.
  5. Election of officers shall be by mail ballot of the membership.

Section 3. Duties of Officers and Directors:

  1. The President shall:
    • Serve as a member of the Board of Directors.
    • Preside at meetings of the Board of Directors.
    • Preside at all official meetings of the Association.
    • Carry out policy as prescribed by the Board of Directors.
    • Appoint a Treasurer and all necessary committee chairs.
    • Make recommendations to ICA President for ICDA representation to ICA committees.
    • Appoint ICDA representative(s) to the ICA Senate. Governing Council.
  2. The immediate Past President shall:
    • Serve as a member of the Board of Directors.
    • Serve as a chairperson of the Nominations and Elections Committees.
    • Serve as ICDA representative to the ICA Nominations and Elections Committee.
    • Perform such duties as assigned by the Board of Directors.
  3. The President-elect shall:
    • Serve as a member of the Board of Directors.
    • Be responsible for the development of programs.
  4. The Secretary shall:
    • Serve as a member of the Directors.
    • Keep a record of the proceedings of the annual business meeting and the meetings of the Board of Directors.
  5. The Treasurer shall:
    • Serve as a member of the Board of Directors.
    • Be responsible for the maintenance of any assets and shall submit a complete fiscal report at the annual meeting.
    • Serve as chair of the Budget Committee.
    • Perform such other duties related to this office.
  6. The Directors shall:
    • Serve as members of the Board of Directors.
    • Help fulfill the functions and responsibilities of that body.



Section 1. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of ICDA shall be consistent with the fiscal year of ICA.

Section 2. Dues. Annual dues shall be established by the Board, subject to approval by members attending the annual business meeting.

Section 3. Parliamentary Rules. The parliamentary order for meetings ICDA shall be Robert’s Rules of Order (Revised).

Section 4. Quorum. A quorum for conducting business shall be those in attendance at the annual or any other meeting, duly called by the President, in which members have been notified 15 days in advance.



Should ICDA fail to meet for two consecutive annual meetings at the ICA Convention, it shall be dissolved and any assets held by the Treasure shall become assets of ICA.



Section 1. Standing Committees, Standing committees shall consist of the Awards, Budget, Career Development Month, Long Range Planning, Membership, Nominations and Elections, Program, and Publications.

Section 2. Special Committees. Additional committees may be established by the Board of Directors, as needed.

Section 3. Appointment to Committee Membership. In the absence of any provision to the contrary in these bylaws or in the motion creating the committee:

  1. The President shall appoint chairpersons of all committees. Chairpersons of standing committees shall be subject to confirmation by the Board.
  2. The chairperson shall designate the members of his or her committee.
  3. Except as otherwise specified in these bylaws, chairpersons and members of committees shall serve for one year or until the appointment of their successors. The may be reappointed.



Adoption: These bylaws shall become effective immediately upon a majority ovote of ICDA members in good standing.

Amendment: These bylaws may be amended by a majority of those present and voting at the annual meeting at an ICA Convention, providing the members have been notified of the proposed change or changes 15 days in advance of the meeting.



Te delegate or delegates to the ICA Governing Council, as provided for by ICA, shall be first, a member of the Board of Directors or a member designated by the President.